The choice of balancers
Surely most those who are reading this article, faced with the problem of choosing your own car. Choose according to the budget, the idea of such a car suits you or not, on the “status” you. Of course, such questions as the life of the engine and major components, comfort, safety is also not missed from attention, and often take precedence over the “status”. Many went on test drives, interviewing friends, owners of the same brand. Sat in the cockpit, trying to control levers, pedals, buttons, knobs, etc. This is the most natural course of things when buying an expensive complicated things, involving long life.
Dear editors !
“dear editors!” — as a rule, all “letters of workers”, which they sent to television, radio and Newspapers, started out that way. On the other hand, as respondents, and the correspondents knew perfectly well that most of these letters, written directly by the editors. The company “Technobalance” version is not, but emails with questions about balancing us come along very often, the circle – Russia and the CIS countries and far abroad too (Many specialists from Latin and South America were educated in the USSR). We decided to make a review article in which to try to answer the most frequently asked questions and also share their experience, and the experience of our partners.
The method of balancing a composite rotors
Work on the problems of balancing can be represented as follows: development of a method (based on research)- development of technology – execution. Earlier these problems did many different organizations: research and branch institutes, design bureaus, production facilities, etc. Now there is a trend to integrate manufacturers and developers into a single structure. Accordingly and problems balancing (and many others) need to be addressed as part of this structure.
A new method of balancing composite rotors
The essence of the method lies in the fact that, abandoning the separate balancing of rotors included in a composite rotor to balance them together by means of pivot relative to each other.